Alongside the Six Core Values for an Evolving World is a vision of Twelve Foundation Stones for a New Conscious Epoch. If such foundation stones can be established within a new system of sociopolitical values and ethics with which to rebuild community, countries, nations, and the world, we will be well on our way to manifesting the “one thousand years of peace” and the “new golden age” that ancient wisdom keepers have prophesied for millennia to occur at this time. The question of “how” must now take precedence in our awareness. It is we, as individuals and a collective, (not the current global authority establishment), who can and will co-create a progressive global society that is built upon such values.
Unconditional Giving, Receiving and Doing
Unconditional giving and doing is to give and do without expectation of receiving anything in return. The First Nations Peoples refer to this form of giving as a “giveaway”, where one is invited to give something away that is most precious to them.
A non-monetary exchange equates to an exchange that does not involve money of any kind. Non-monetary transactions are the sharing of items, resources, time, expertise, support, and love…
Conscious collaboration means to join with others in the spirit of co-creation and co-support. Its focus is on altruistically manifesting a benevolent outcome for all. When we selflessly give of ourselves, our skills, our talents, our gifts, and our resources, we experience a greater degree of fulfilment and an inspiration that touches the hearts of all involved…
Conscious co-support invites us to be mindful of others and to do our best to meet their needs. Conscious co-support is about caring and sharing, loving and supporting, and engaging in random acts of kindness…
Fundamentally, conscious cooperation is about people ‘co-operating’ with each other – in other words people operating together as a constructive force. It is often seen in action where danger is present or there is an imminent threat to life, at which point people will band together in the humanitarian spirit…
A new conscious paradigm is one in which conscious co-creation thrives and forms the bedrock of global society. We are all creators and human beings have been co-creating, for better or worse, for millennia. Our own degree of conscious evolution is key to our conscious co-creation of a new and positive expression of the world…
Most cultures in the world remain locked in a survival mode mentality. In general, communications between people involve a fight-or-flight mentality, with its usual outcome of reaction leading to separation. When we express our true feelings without fear and speak from the heart, communicating openly and honestly, we are able…
Deep Understanding – True Forgiveness
Conscious evolution, with its emphasis on conscious communication, is calling us to reclaim the true act of forgiveness. The act of forgiveness is fundamentally altruistic, yet throughout history it has been misunderstood and therefore distorted by religious cultures…
Inclusivity excludes no one. Every person has a place at the table, no matter who they are or what they may or may not have done. Each is a teacher, healer, guide, mirror, brother, sister and friend, regardless of their social condition or status…
Unconditional love means to love unconditionally. When we consciously choose to respond to the evolutionary impulse to transcend our emotions and instead embody the pure level of feeling that is unconditional love, we will often be confronted by situations and scenarios that will test us.…