What Else Is There …?

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What else is there when we are no longer aligned with the ‘ordinary’ and customary things of life? When we no longer resonate with the politics, the old paradigm systems, the old templates of relationship, the ’shoulds’, the ‘oughts’, cultural conditioning, inorganic and unnatural living; the current dysfunctional Global System itself?

What else is there when we have transcended the hold of the past, become liberated from wants, needs, desires, and expectations?

What else is there when we have said “No” to adaptation, and “Yes” to Authentic BEing?

What else is there when we have moved beyond a life built on possessions and ownership – of things and people – and released ourselves from the ownership that things and people may impose upon us?

What else is there when we have freed ourselves and reclaimed our Sovereign BEing, our human right to live in harmony and wholeness, in beauty; have moved beyond the devolutionary beliefs, conditions, and impositions of a dysfunctional society caught in maintaining-cycles?

What else is there when we choose to live from a place of true inner-freedom?

What else IS there is LOVE – the centrifugal force around which all else revolves.

When we are radiating as LOVE, we are truly alive.

The question from Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s ‘Invitation’ re-emerges again:

“I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away?”

The “what” is LOVE.

For in the falling away of everything, we discover and intimately experience the very essence of life – LOVE – the state of Self-Actualisation, that leads to the ultimate spiritually embodied state of Self-Transcendence.

To fully embody LOVE – to BE present to each other and the world as LOVE – ultimately releases us from the wheel of karma, from death and rebirth: We have understood at the deepest level that WE ARE LOVE. We transcend the evolutionary ‘necessity’ to ‘come back’ – for there is nothing more to learn.

We may however, choose to return as LOVE – in service to humanity, Nature, and this phenomenal planetary Consciousness that is this beautiful planet – Earth.

Namaste and LOVE,


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