Six Core Values for an Evolving World


The Six Core Values for an Evolving World are what we most need to establish in the world in these unprecedented times. These fundamental values, along with the Twelve Foundation Stones for a New Paradigm, are essential elements to include in the bedrock of a Conscious global society. Such core values and foundation stones will establish new sociopolitical policies and light the way to the co-creation of a new and enlightened global reality.



Pema Chodron, author of Practicing Peace in Times of War, asks the question, “Why is it that we all want a peaceful existence yet our actions or reactions produce just the opposite?” Pema speaks of a moment of choice when we can either react with anger or respond with…


Compassionate Action

In these days of increasing global unrest we find our hearts going out to all those around the world who are caught up in the mass of protests which call for change. A new wave of heart-fuelled crusades are led by a new type of activist, compassionate actionists, who stand…


Restorative Justice

By Wendy Webber Howard Zehr is widely recognized as a major restorative justice pioneer (Changing Lenses: A New Focus for Crime and Justice and The Little Book of Restorative Justice); he utilizes the metaphor of restorative justice as a river, with its source as a spring that is then fed…


Conscious Communication

As human beings, the greatest gift we have at our disposal can also be the greatest weapon—words. We can heal ourselves, others and the world with words yet these can also be used in a destructive manner. Being raised within the cultures we live in we learn dysfunctional and inappropriate…


Regenerative Sustainability

Originally, the word sustainability referred to ‘deep ecology’. Yet, during the past several years it has slowly become associated with the broader question of what exactly is being sustained by the individuals, corporates, conglomerates and companies that are…


Conscious Evolution

In essence, as Barbara Marx Hubbard sums up about conscious evolution in that it reveals our capacity to evolve consciously, not merely by chance. Humanity is consciously evolving at an exponential rate and is doing so through conscious connection, love, compassion, innovation, and co-creation. This has been made possible by…