The Galactic Alignment Zone – The ‘Evolutionary Burn’
The Winter Solstice of 1998 was the mid-way point of a 36-year process known as The Galactic Alignment that began in 1980. The Galactic Alignment occurs when the Winter Solstice Sun conjuncts the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the Ecliptic, forming a Cosmic Cross. Because the Sun is so large (about half a degree wide), it will not complete its journey across the galactic equator until 2016. This process is predicted to induce extraordinary transformations in human consciousness.” 2012: A Clarion Call: Your Soul’s Purpose in Conscious Evolution.
For the purpose of aligning our evolutionary compasses towards the New, we must first evolve the physical body to become a strong enough container to withstand the transformational fires of what I term the ‘Evolutionary Burn’. This evolutionary phenomenon is The Galactic Alignment Zone which spans from 1975 to 2021. The most instrumental phase of this is a thirty-six year window of time known as The Galactic Alignment, which began on the Winter Solstice of 1980 and draws to a close on December 21, 2016. In a recent conversation that I had with John Major Jenkins about the Galactic Alignment Process, he shared the following (shared here with John’s permission):
“…a 61-degree angle between the ecliptic and the galactic equator makes the “zone” just a little bit longer than 36 years. So, the zone is actually 1975 to 2021. I reported the astronomical calculations of this in my 2002 book called ‘Galactic Alignment’. A little tiny bit of the body of the solstice sun will still be touching the Galactic Equator until the December solstice of 2020. By 2021 we are past the alignment zone. 1975 the door opened and 2021 it closes.”
This window of time can be likened to an evolutionary eye of the needle and the Evolutionary Burn constitutes its epicentre. The Galactic Alignment affords an unprecedented opportunity for an evolutionary rites of passage for humanity. It has a Cosmic Calling to lift us out of the old paradigm and anchor us into a New Epoch defined by a New Consciousness. It heralds an unrivalled and instrumental turning point for the awakened individual and an awakening world. It calls to the conscious microcosm within the collective macrocosm to initiate the necessary awareness, healing and transformation required to facilitate the emergence of a New Global Story.
The Evolutionary Burn seared into the consciousness of those who are ‘awake’ and aware bringing with it an extraordinary opportunity for radical and rapid evolution. Such has been the objective and intensity of the EB, that many of us are now left feeling, literally, burnt out. Is it any wonder that after enduring a relentless round of the burning away of karmic imprints and the cauterising of historical/psychological wounds, that some of now find ourselves exhausted. This was a necessary process to enable us to transcend the stories of our past, the majority of which are not even our own.
For those whose consciousness has been baptised in the purifying fires of the Evolutionary Burn, the time has come to write a new story for ourselves and for humanity. We can now let go of our old stories, along with those handed to us by the generations who have gone before. These are not our stories. We need to hand them back with love and to write our own; not his-story or her-story, but this story – Our Story – A New Story for the World. We need to blaze a trail which burns this New Story into the annals of humanity.
Evolutionary Astrology & The New Story
I share here some of the insights to have arisen out of my ongoing astrological conversations with my close friend, colleague, editor, and evolutionary astrologer, Cherry Williams.
Uranus-Pluto Squares – June 24, 2012 – March 16, 2015
For the past three years, humanity has been under the powerful and unpredictable influence of seven Uranus-Pluto squares. The purpose of the meeting of these two Cosmic Masters has been to shatter, breakdown and break apart the old constructs within ourselves and in the world. Now, in the wake of these, we come under the influence of Saturn and Neptune. These two Celestial Giants meet in a trio of extremely challenging yet opportunistic squares, the first of which occurred on November 26, 2015. The remaining two squares will become ‘exact’ on June 18, 2016, and September 10, 2016. The specific purpose of these is to assist us to do what is necessary to anchor and establish a New Story for Humanity and the Earth.
In my other writings, I have referred to the sequence of the Uranus-Pluto squares as having the impact of a “wrecking ball”. Many of us have felt the full force of these as our old personal realities were shattered to pieces. Such was the intensity of the storm whipped up by this evolutionary call that for those of us who have experienced the full force of it, (the more awakened the stronger the impact), life will never again be quite the same. Uranus and Pluto broke down the old constructs (unintegrated ego) within us, and our lives dutifully mirrored our inner experiences for better or for worse. Deeply ingrained and detrimental thought patterns and emotional sticking points were shattered by these seven magnificent squares which forced us to wake up and evolve. (For further insight follow this link – The Uranus-Pluto squares took us far out of our comfort zones and compelled us to explore and then sever our attachments to the old, while, simultaneously, pushing us into the entirely unknown terrain of the New.
Saturn-Neptune Squares
Astrologically, from an evolutionary perspective, Saturn represents the concrete reality of living in the third-dimensional world with the limitations we face within a physical body. Neptune is the connection we have to our multi-dimensional aspects and to Source. The purpose of this trio of challenging meetings is to afford us an opportunity to manifest a higher vision (Neptune) into physical (Saturn) reality. The squares mirror the archetypal ‘Heaven on Earth’ directive which each one of us carries within our spiritual DNA. Saturn represents the left hemisphere of the brain and our ability to think logically, while Neptune rules the intuitive right brain. These squares offer us the potential to bring these two hemispheres into balance within ourselves so that we can step out of the experience of living in duality.
2016 is another year of ‘adjusting’ and ‘attuning’, only this time it is the eclectic mix of Neptune (Soul/Spirit/Source) and Saturn (Earth/Body/Container) which place idealism and realism right under the spotlight. Astrologically, we are urged to bridge the gap between the physical and the spiritual, the earthly and the heavenly, the unintegrated ego and the True Self, materialism and altruism, and the human shadow and our highest ideals. When the psychological shadow remains unintegrated, a higher purpose and ideal for humanity cannot manifest. This is why the instrumental opportunity offered by these Saturn-Neptune squares cannot be ignored. If we choose not to work to with them, we can expect to see an alarming escalation of the authoritarian generic mode of global governance. This is entirely devoid of altruism, humanitarianism or any commitment to promote or support a higher ideal in regard to the future of humanity, Nature and the Earth. This way of governing belongs to the old story. However, when these two planetary energies become integrated we are better prepared to co-create a New Story, with a central theme of peace and harmony for all.
Whereas Uranus and Pluto have as their focus death and rebirth, the breaking down of the old in order to breakthrough, and the release of all that was hidden and suppressed,the Celestial Taskmaster Saturn is concerned with constructing a container (Self) that is strong enough to receive the vision, insight and inspiration of the Cosmic Avatar Neptune.
2016 can best be described as an ‘adjustment zone’ and it is going to force us to ask some very important questions. However, we have on our side the vision of Neptune to guide us in our quest for the truth. In order to receive a pure and unadulterated stream of Neptune’s insights, (for one of its shadow traits is illusion), we must first create a physical vessel with enough resistance to withstand the high vibration and frequency of this most spiritual of planets.
2016 is going to be a year of inner and existential re-evaluation in regard to our old stories. These can now be relinquished and released with our blessing, to make way for a whole new narrative which needs to be anchored if we are to more fully align to the current evolutionary trajectory which is to live from a New Self/New Life/New Story template.
The ‘Evolutionary Burn’, within the context of the Uranus-Pluto and Saturn-Neptune squares, has presented us with unique, transformational, challenging and ideal opportunities for refining, defining and more fully aligning with the truth of who we really are and why we are really here.
The Uranus-Pluto squares have pushed most of us to a tipping point. The purpose of these was to support a core healing of such magnitude that it would catalyse radical and rapid inner transformation and prepare us for the evolutionary phenomenon that is The New Story. The Saturn-Neptune squares present us witha rites of passage which can take us into this New Story reality.
The process of Self-actualisation brings with it a vast array of physical (and emotional) symptoms which can range from minor to major health problems. It can also lead to an inexplicable yet temporary sense of not really knowing who we are or where we fit into the world. It constitutes a process which calls upon us to question everything that previously defined us, our lives, our relationships, and our beliefs, and compels us to reconsider everything, including the environment in which we are living. Embracing a New Self reality calls for wholesale change, and this is where many become stuck because they fear moving from their comfort zones into the unknown.
Concluding a life cycle (in fact many lifetime cycles) in relation to the old and stepping fully and consciously into the new, requires titanium inner strength and a pure resolve. Without these, an evolutionary leap of such magnitude simply cannot occur. To become ‘as new’ calls for unwavering commitment and diligence, for it would be all too easy to default back into our old stories and, therefore, continue to remain tethered to the old paradigm. The evolutionary Call of these times continually urges us to redefine, refine, and re-align until we embody the truth of who we really are and why we are really here, in terms of fulfilling our higher purpose. The degree to which we are willing to commit to sweeping and necessary change will determine the extent to which we are able to step into a transformational New Story.
I summarise this brief overview of the influence of evolutionary astrology on humanity at this auspicious time, by sharing the following information which will be expanded upon further in my forthcoming book.
- The Saturn-Neptune squares are exact on November 26, 2015, June 18, 2016, and September 10, 2016, at which point these two planets will begin to separate.
- Chiron – The Wounded Healer. In an astrology chart, the position of natal Chiron reveals the source of our deepest wound as well as our greatest capacity to heal ourselves and others. In May 2018, Chiron initially enters Aries, and then permanently stations there from March 2019 until May 2027. This is a major astrological event and will herald an unparalleled phase in personal and global healing and a New Age of Regenerative Medicine. Chiron’s entry into the sign of the Ram is also a precursor to Neptune’s arrival in Aries in March 2025. From that time onwards, we will begin to bear witness to the physical manifestation of the many ideas and ideals that will arise from the current Neptune transit through Pisces. Chiron first appeared to astronomers in 1977 and brought alternative forms of healing into mainstream consciousness. When discovered, it was stationed in Taurus. How apt it is that in 2027, after its sojourn in Aries completes, Chiron will once again enter Taurus having completed an entire zodiacal cycle. This is highly significant and I will be sharing more about this in the new book.
- In March 2023, Pluto leaves Capricorn, although it moves back into that sign for a short while until it finally leaves for good in January 2024. This can be understood as the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Pluto’s permanent exit from Capricorn signifies the end of the old paradigm and the introduction of an exciting and new evolutionary Aquarian Age. Pluto’s residency in Aquarius will bring about an extraordinary technological revolution along with ground breaking insights that will transform global culture and establish a futuristic and visionary society built upon ideas and ideals that are, at this time, far beyond our imagination. To coincide with this, Uranus will be in the Earth sign of Taurus, where it will facilitate and support the anchoring of the revolutionary and evolutionary objective of Pluto in Aquarius.
- In January 2026, Neptune leaves Pisces (the sign it rules) for almost one hundred and seventy years. By this time, those of us living a New Self reality will have experienced a total dissolution and letting go of the old story. Once Neptune enters Aries, on the very last day of March 2025, (it will revisit Pisces briefly until January 2026) we are well on our way to the New Age. Pluto in Aquarius heralds the beginning of a New Epoch founded upon a Higher Consciousness in which we will discover how to live, age, create and evolve in entirely unique and revolutionary ways.
Deep in the Curve of an Evolutionary RESET
As some of you are aware, I first began to write about a new evolutionary transformational phenomenon when it came into my awareness in October 2015, as a result of my own direct experience. Steeped in the fullness of this extraordinary process, I had an immediate realisation of just what was really going on. I understood it to represent, for those of us who are awakened, the next level of a divinely timed, conscious evolutionary process which I term a ‘RESET’. The following link will take you to a post that I wrote in October 2015, which shares my own personal experience of this, and also a more global overview. (
RESET – It’s in the Collective Field
Last week, I came across an article which caught my attention because it had in its title the word RESET. As many people know, I have been unable to read books or articles since February 2009. This was the point when I first began to experience an immediate debilitating physical reaction, including intense nausea and paralysing exhaustion, whenever I attempted to do so. This oddity continues to this day. There are pros and cons regarding this situation, but I have come to appreciate that the former far outweighs the latter because I continue to remain uninfluenced by the ideas of others. This allows a pure stream of insight, information and inspiration to flow through and from me in my own writings. Even though I was unable to read the article I came across, it was heartening to see that it was peppered throughout with the term RESET, (in capital letters), confirming that this evolutionary phenomenon is active within the conscious collective field.
What is a Reset? – ‘The Space in Between’
Because this sharing is in the form of an article, I will only briefly touch upon how the term RESET applies to the conscious evolutionary process of the individual and of the world. To try and explain succinctly what a Reset is, let me just say that we have been called to undertake an extraordinary awakening and aligning process throughout the past few decades. For many of us, this Call has initiated a profound letting go of the old so we could prepare to step into the New. The Galactic Alignment Zone (1975 to 2021) is an evolutionary ‘space in between’. This is a transitional space between the old and the new, and is set to be the most intense phase for healing, clearing, integrating and awakening. Those of us who are consciously evolving have undergone the most extraordinary degree of transformation. This ‘space in between’ is a fundamental and necessary experience without which we are simply unable to shift from the old into the new. The Reset ‘space in between’ that fully opened in 1975 was compounded and amplified by the arrival of Chiron (The Wounded Healer) into the collective consciousness in 1977.
The most active phase of the Reset occurred between 1999 and 2012 with the commencement of an unprecedented trajectory for healing, clearing, integrating, evolving and awakening. Immediately following 21/12/12, the Reset became a tangible phenomenon and, as we enter the final year of the thirty-six year Galactic Alignment window, it is now fully emerging into our awareness. This final year is governed by divine timing and so we will feel compelled to anchor a new Reset story into our physical reality. We could say that these past decades have imprinted this phenomenon into the unconscious and, simultaneously, aligned us to the superconscious. The fundamental questions that are emerging at this point are “What?” and “How?”. The answers to these are to be found at a physical level, for it is always here that we discover what needs to fully anchor into or leave the body.
Rest for a Reset
What we now need is a conscious pause, a period of ‘Rest for a Reset’ so we can undo, unhook, untie and unravel ourselves from whatever belongs to the old. A brief moment of Rest is necessary to bring about a revelatory understanding of where we have been, where we are now and where we are going in terms of our conscious evolution and spiritual awakening. It is this that leads us straight to the threshold of our higher purpose and the greater reason for our incarnation during these critical times. This specific type of Rest enables us to physically ground, anchor and complete our own personal Reset. The Galactic Alignment Zone completes on 21/12/21, (interesting numerical digits almost identical to 21/12/12) and many of us will remain in this process until then. Yet, 2016 is a critical turning point for recognising and preparing to navigate our way through this RESET, which will take us into a New Self/New Story/New Life reality.
New Self – New Story – New Life
In order for a Reset to occur within us we must fully respond with unwavering dedication and commitment to the higher call of the evolved/evolving and integrated/integrating Self. The Reset phenomenon asks us to remain mindful of every thought, word, action and deed, as we embark upon the next evolutionary step into a New Story. It requires us to transform our lives at every level, if we are to live from the perspective of the Self/Higher Self and attain the fulfilment and purpose we have sought for so long. A clarion call is sounding and it is urging us to shine the light of awareness on all that remains unacknowledged, unhealed and unintegrated within us. By taking the necessary steps to make instrumental changes we will be able to leave behind the old story and enter into the New.
Walking the Talk – The Time is Now
The Reset phenomenon challenges us to truly walk our talk. We have needed to talk the talk of psychological integration, conscious evolution, spiritual awakening and Self/Higher Self /Soul purpose for many decades. We have done so for the purpose of energetically and physically aligning with the ultimate evolutionary purpose of our incarnation here on Earth. Talking the talk is easy yet walking the talk as an impeccable role model is not so simple for this requires our unwavering commitment and integrity. The intricacies and complexities of the unintegrated self may remain subtly or overtly present in even the most spiritually awakened of people. A lack of psychological integration results in many of these individuals remaining (often wildly) out of balance. Both psycho-spiritual balance and integration are a fundamental imperative if a new narrative is to emerge in our personal lives and in the world.
Trip Switch for a Default
In the early phase of a New Self reality, we may still be susceptible to defaulting back into the old self/old story. The New Self/New Story imprints at a cellular level and encodes our body, feelings and mind with a profoundly uplifting and liberating New Story objective. As we begin to more fully embody this, we realise the degree to which we have been transformed by the Evolutionary Burn. The RESET is a divinely timed inner-process which acts as a catalyst for us to take an evolutionary leap from the old story and into a new one. It is essential that we remain vigilant not to default back into our personal old story or the old stories of others. To support us in this we need a ‘trip switch’ which can be flicked back on whenever we feel that these are overriding our New Story imperative.
Hitting the RESET Button
The RESET, as an evolutionary phenomenon, informs one who is consciously awakened of a divinely timed opportunity to pass through a major evolutionary gateway and experience an entirely new way of living. This requires that they leave behind everything of the old that is not aligned with their New Story. For the majority of us, our lives have felt like a psycho-spiritual roller coaster ride. We have made many an evolutionary leap in the process of refining, defining, aligning and realigning ourselves. Throughout these past decades, many of us have been rapidly and radically evolving into a higher expression of soul incarnate in human form. Such is the degree to which the ingrained patterns, habits and conditioning of the old have infiltrated us, that even though our intent and commitment to a Reset may be primary, the reality is that the old story will likely pull us back into the old script. We will need to be aware of this and take the necessary action to prevent it from happening. What we require is a RESET button.
A RESET button is an absolute necessity. We may only need to press it once a week, or perhaps every day, especially in the first three to six months. The important point to remember is to press it, as doing so automatically resets the Reset process. There are several types of ‘buttons’ we can choose from and many of these will be listed in my new book. For example; a day of juice fasting and/or raw food, or a day that is just for you when you might choose to switch off your laptop and phones. It may be that a lovely drive or a walk may support you in this Reset process, or you may prefer to give yourself a luxury pamper at home. There are no restrictions to the type of Reset button you choose as long as it is pressed every week, on the same day and at the same time. It may be difficult to keep this date with yourself, so you can swap the day to ensure that the important reset experience occurs each week. The crux of resetting a Reset is that the button you choose must be one that is solely about loving yourself. My own Reset button is a weekly three hour therapeutic healing session which takes place at my home on the same day, at the same time. This ‘button’ affords me a crucial opportunity for resetting and clearing any minor defaults which may have arisen since the last session.
A reset of a Reset
When choosing your own button, focus on what it is that you can do that would most remind you of the new choices/changes you are making. This will immediately reset them . What tends to work best is a ‘button’ that has a liberating, uplifting and special impact on your body, feelings and mind. Ideally, your reset needs to be the highlight of your day/week, something you not only look forward to but know will give you an opportunity to set everything right as you reset your Reset process. It must be, and this is critical, a gift for YOU (and no one else) which gives you a few hours of sacred space. For those who feel that this is simply not possible, then a compromise has to be made. The RESET is part of the re-evolution/EVOLution into LOVE. What we do know without question is that LOVE IS THE ANSWER. This begins with the Self. Self love equals inner peace and the ultimate outcome of this is world peace. So, if you find yourself caught in the web of doing and you just do not know how to squeeze another hour, let alone a day, out of your life, then ask yourself one question in relation to YOU – “What would love have me do?” Do not censor what comes to you and when you are clear what your reset button is, honour it. You may find that your reset requires just one hour, and that you can do this each day, at the same time, rather than once a week. Make sure, however, it is a sacred and mindful hour when you are fully and lovingly connecting with yourself, with no chance of interruption.
The early phase of a Reset is a little like the game of snakes and ladders. Many ladders are climbed and then one encounters a snake (dysfunctional part of the old story) and slides back a few paces. That is ok, because the reset button will automatically place you at the top of the ladder (New Story) to begin again from that higher position. There will come a point, usually six months into really living a new story, when the defaults become few and far between. This is when you transcend the phase of snakes and ladders because you have firmly established a New Self/New Story/New Life reality. Pressing your reset button once a week, (or everyday as the case may be), on the same day at the same time, will set the foundations in place for your New Story to begin to emerge. A RESET button affords you an immediate opportunity to reconnect and recommit. So, establish what type of ‘button’ will work best for you and install it! In this way, you are fully engaging with the Reset process and this will ultimately lead you to a New Self/New Story/New Life reality.
Positively Intolerant!
Humanity is moving into a new era, and those who are awakened and sufficiently conscious are transitioning into a new level of Self. The RESET process will, ultimately, propel such individuals into an entirely new and positive inner experience. It constitutes nothing short of a seismic shift from an old reality into a profound new one. Whatever we once allowed or tolerated which was at the expense of our own overall health and wellbeing no longer fits into our New Self/New Story. When encountering people and situations that might hook us straight back into our/their old repetitive dramas and stories, we find that we are now equipped with a new ‘auto response’ (not reaction) which renders us positively intolerant. After endless ups and downs and being dragged along by an evolutionary whirlwind of unprecedented proportions, we discover that we are no longer beholden to thosestory lines that forced us to breakdown and breakthrough to ultimately evolve and ascend.
As we gather ourselves in the calm winds of the RESET landscape, we discover that we are now inclined to take a step back from those old stories that expose us to the unconscious and unhealed psychological, historical or karmic wounds of others. This is because these might prove detrimental during the early phase of our own Reset process.
Positive intolerance will continue to ensure that we prioritise and validate our New Self/New Story reality. What must now take precedence in terms of our New Self/New Story process, is a more balanced, integrated and loving relationship with ourselves. The story of the New Self is uncompromising in its clarity and is non-negotiable. It requires us to transcend our emotions and enter the more refined realm of feeling. It is not the case that those who have let go, or are letting go, of their old story do not feel for others, not at all. It is simply that their capacity for unconditional love, kindness, care and empathy has evolved into a purer expression. The energy that was once so caught up in the old story is now free to co-create a New Story for Self, and for Humanity.
A Shining Armour of Light
Those among us who have reached a level of integration, evolution and awakening and so have embodied a New Self/New Story reality, are now making tracks into a new and inspired landscape. They stand tall and strong and at their feet is a shining armour of Light. This armour is crucial, for even though the greatest part of their journey of transformation has reached a pivotal turning point in terms of the status of their New Self, this brings with it the necessity for enlightened and empowered action in service of the world. There is a marked new level of responsibility that comes with the New Self/New Story reality which requiresthese individuals to be fully prepared for what is to come and what may face them as they set out on a Path of Light. Their main task is to clear and dissolve the ‘Distortion Agenda’ from the world – (I share more about this later on in the article). The purpose of the Distortion Agenda is to annihilate the very concept of a new conscious Self/Society/Paradigm. When we are fully embodying a New Self reality, we will immediately align to its higher imperative to co-create and co-establish a New Global Sovereign Society. Stating the facts clearly, ‘dark forces’ are seeking to infiltrate and possess every human life. The purpose of the New Sovereign Self is to initiate and engage in unified, enlightened and empowered action to ultimately remove the Distortion Agenda from our planet.
A Point of Re-Evaluation – Three Categories to Consider
So, what of those who are journeying through the spectrum of integration, evolution and awakening but are not quite ready yet to embody the New Self/New Story reality? These individuals fall into two categories:
The First Category consists of the many who are now floundering in the wake of an evolutionary whirlwind that has left them either exhausted, feeling displaced, in the midst of a major life change/crisis, or having faced a significant health scare which they are now clear of. Years of being immersed in seemingly endless layers of healing, cleansing, purging, purifying and the releasing and balancing of karma as well as personal, ancestral and collective historical trauma, has facilitated the deepest levels of physical and emotional clearing and cellular release. For these individuals, the way forward is now black or white. Either, they seek to restore equilibrium within themselves at every level, or they will remain caught in the physical, emotional and mental residues of their old stories which will prevent them from taking an evolutionary leap into a New Life reality. Those who fall into this category can however take heart, because their white knuckle ride on the evolutionary rapids is now reaching a culmination point. Whether they move into calm waters or are tossed around in the occasional storm is dependent upon the choice they make. They can either transcend this phase or continue to revisit it, albeit to a far lesser degree.
The most intense phase of what pertains to nothing less than an unending round of healing, integration and awakening, is beginning to conclude. Because of this, the lives of these individuals are throwing up powerful symptoms with a purpose of stopping them in their tracks so they can re-evaluate in order to re-balance before moving forwards in a totally new way. Such has been the relentlessness and intensity of the evolutionary storm they have been caught up in that a phase of recovery, re-balancing and re-choosing is now necessary.
Stationed on the quiet of the beach after being tossed around for so long on the tumultuous seas of their own evolution, these individuals are finally able to take stock in terms of where they have been, where they are now and where they are going. Many long dark days and endless nights have been endured throughout their journey and still some inner-work is required so that whatever healing, release and integration is still necessary, can be brought under the spotlight. The pause for thought that this phase affords these individuals calls for them to unconsciously decide whether to remain where they are, in respect to the cold spots within their psychological landscape, or to consciously choose to do whatever is needed in order to move into more integrated psychological terrain. If they choose the latter, then this part of their journey will be concluded and they will find themselves on the threshold of a New Self, New Story and New Life reality.
The Second Category is more challenging for it is literally a ‘transcend or transition’ one. For those who find themselves facing a life threatening health crisis and yet are in the aftermath and not the midst of a great long storm of evolving and ascending, it is now time to purge whatever remains in the most inaccessible places of their psychological shadowlands. The ultimate outcome for those who are confronting a serious illness is decided by a choice that has to be made at soul level – whether to fully transcend their old story or transition from this life altogether. This juncture is a critical one. These individuals will need to rapidly and radically awaken to themselves at every single level. No stone can be left unturned. They have arrived at an uncompromising choice point and what is necessary is a radical re-evaluation of every aspect of their lives. They will need to engage in brutally honest, no holds barred communication and communion with themselves and with others. These will not always be pretty conversations which protect feelings or massage and reassure the unintegrated parts of their ego but instead state uncompromising, unequivocal and stark truth that is in service of their higher good.
The question for these individuals is this: Do they wish to transcend their old story or transition from this life? At a conscious level, this would appear to be very obvious as the answer is almost always going to be to transcend the old story. Yet, the unconscious exerts a vastly underestimated influence upon us. Here is a passage from my book Clarion Call which demonstrates this:
“According to cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, the unconscious mind is capable of processing one million times more information than the conscious mind, handling up to 40 million pieces of data per second. On a day-to-day basis, between ninety-five and ninety-nine percent of our behavioural responses/reactions are controlled by the unconscious mind.”
Therefore, it is the unconscious that needs to be probed very deeply. And, the fact remains that not every conscious evolutionary who is facing leaving this world will stay, for many are being called Home, for it is from there that they can better assist Humanity, Nature and the Earth.
However, many are meant to stay and a life threatening illness is the fastest way to get our attention and give us the opportunity to rapidly and radically transform and embrace an entirely new way of being. If it is a soul choice to remain here on Earth, then what is needed in order to transcend a serious health condition is a whole-hearted commitment to being part of the co-creation of a new conscious paradigm. This requires a total transformation of one’s life, at every conceivable level. An unprecedented shift from the old to the New is a pre-requisite for these individuals if their life is to continue. And, it must be a genuine 100% commitment that supersedes any personal attachment to a partner, children, parents, family, friends, business, lifestyle, etc. This is not to say that personal relationships or the living of an ideal lifestyle become lost to them, not at all. These can continue, but only if the evolution of the Collective remains an abiding priority. These individuals will be called to let go of anyone or anything that is not supportive of their New Self/New Story reality, for it is this that will pull them back into their old stories and a relapse into ill health.
No matter how serious an illness, if it is part of their soul plan to transcend (stay) instead of transition (leave) and they fully and consciously commit to remain here in Service to the world, then they can experience a sense of fulfilment they never before believed possible. This is, however, dependent on the curative healing protocols they engage in which may appear as if by magic if their commitment to Service is 100%, genuine. And, random miracles may well be experienced along the way. Those who are willing/able to commit fully, will slowly (or rapidly) heal to glowing and vibrant health. However, if they decide upon a healing path which is solely reliant on pharmaceutical or conventional treatments, then, at some point, they will default back into the old story and may well exit from this life regardless of their choice to remain.
The Third Category applies to the few rather than the many. These individuals have also been dedicated to their own integration, evolution and awakening processes yet have experienced a smoother passage towards the embodiment of their true calling in this lifetime. This is because they are not transmuting the old collective historical story through their physical and emotional bodies in the same way as the majority of conscious evolutionaries. Of course, they have also been through many ups and downs on the journey towards actualising the Self. It is not that they do not face challenges which impact them at a physical, emotional and mental level for indeed they do, only to a lesser degree. These individuals are highly evolved and their presence on Earth carries a different spiritual calling in respect to their roles and influence in the world. Often, when they do manifest a serious illness, it can be an act of Service for the greater good of those around them and for humanity.
The influential ‘fields’ of many of these awakened individuals can vary in terms of their impact and influence on personal and global evolution. This is dependent upon the degree to which they have attained Self Mastery. Even those who are, to a greater degree, psychologically integrated, consciously evolved and spiritually awakened, and therefore often surf a more gentle wave in this lifetime, are prone to default. This will occur when a significant trauma that is left unhealed begins to cause a ‘split’, ‘disconnect’ and ‘default’ within their psychology at which point all manner of life challenges and issues will emerge. Left unchecked, unacknowledged, unhealed and unintegrated, these individuals may well develop similar life conditions to those in categories one or two. A great responsibility comes with the more gentle life path of one who is highly evolved and awakened.
An important point on which to conclude this section pertains to all three categories. Not all who belong to the third category are more advanced or evolved than those who fit into the other two. Indeed, it is often the case that those who suffer to the greatest degree are highly advanced beings who have incarnated with a very specific purpose. Equally, the third category is also populated by this same group of highly evolved individuals whose specific spiritual mission is to facilitate the anchoring in of The Divine Plan for Humanity and the Earth.
The Critical First Three Months of a RESET
The initial three months of a Reset are critical. They can be likened to the first seven years of a child’s life, in the respect that whatever is ‘laid down’ as a new life imprint will set the tone for many years to come. The degree to which a Reset is established is the degree to which it will transform one’s world. A Reset must occur at the level of the body, feelings and mind before it can ground and anchor the New Self/New Story as a physical reality.
A necessary imperative to facilitate a Reset is an actual change of physical location, which supports an evolutionary transformation from the old to the New. This requires a re-location of environment for a period of three to six months. The least amount of time in which a mini-reset can occur is six weeks, yet the potential for defaulting back into the old story when returning to the old environment is highly likely. Ideally, one needs to move as far as possible from one’s existing location to somewhere totally new. The optimum surrounding for a Reset to occur is a natural environment close to woodland, forests, rivers, waterfalls, ocean, great parks, mountains or lakes. After three months of living in a new location, a Reset will have anchored sufficiently if we do return to our familiar home environment. The ideal of six months affords the greatest opportunity for a Reset to establish on every level. If it is not possible to relocate temporarily or permanently, then an existing environment will need to undergo a total and positive transformation.
The reality is that those who are not living fully in truth within themselves, in their relationships, their work, their home, their religion or philosophy, their body and sexuality, etc, will remain limited by fear. Those who do wish to experience a Reset will need to shine a super-strength spotlight into the unexplored, deepest and most hidden places within their psychological landscape and scan the entire terrain with a super-strength magnifying glass. By doing so, they can bring to their awareness just what is blocking them, what is ailing them, what is causal and what needs to be, once and for all, healed, integrated and released.
Nothing can be overlooked. Every single choice or decision, every “yes” or “no”, every relationship, conversation and communication, every habit, attachment, need, want or desire, every expectation and demand, every routine or pattern, every single thought and feeling, must be consciously dissected to reveal just what is there and what needs to be psychologically integrated. It is necessary to undergo a total restructuring, a refining and a re-defining in order to re-align with a higher vision of oneself and one’s life and remain fully and uncompromisingly committed to this. If we are able to throw ourselves unreservedly into the necessary radical and sweeping change that a Reset requires, then we will evolve and transcend into a New Self reality. It takes no less than the greatest inner resolve and an unwavering focus to manifest a New Story.
I conclude this section on Reset with the following at-a-glance list which will be further expanded upon in the book:
- Integrated Self and Higher Self Responses Include:
- An urge to move somewhere new and far away
- An opportunity to relocate somewhere that is natural, nourishing, and sustaining, either permanently or for a period of six weeks to six months
- Recognising that the old story is blocking/undermining the New Story/New Self which is now ready to emerge
- The new Self/New Story becoming a priority and superseding and transcending the old story/self
- A radical change in diet. The desire to consume entirely unprocessed, natural and organic foods
- The reinvention of the new Self in terms of physical appearance
- The realisation that the physical body is an art form and can therefore be re-sculpted/re-designed/re-invented to reflect the New Self/Higher Self/Soul reality
- The need to connect with and anchor more fully into the physical body
- A wish to express gratitude and appreciation to the physical body for its support as it has carried us through the old story
- Food as Medicine
- Extensive research into Natural and New Regenerative Medicines
- A Tsunami Proportioned Hea(R)twave
The Evolutionary Burn is a tsunami proportioned Hea(r)twave that has required (demanded) no less than everything from those of us who are consciously aware and awake. Such is the energetic force of this wave, that many of us who have stood at the forefront of these evolutionary times have found ourselves at the mercy of a seemingly never ending array of physical symptoms and life dramas. Our lives have resembled a roller coaster ride. Many are also now adding serious life crises, including medical conditions, to what appears to be an endless list of intense life events, (thanks to the Uranus-Pluto squares for this legacy). Such conditions arise in the aftermath of the evolutionary fires that have been blazing in our lives for decades. The purpose of these, in part, has been to burn off the layers of conditioning that have hidden the truth of who we really are and why we are here. Many have unconsciously/superconsciously (ref Clarion Call for the difference between the two) manifested their current life circumstances in order to recall, remember and realign with their higher purpose and take up their evolutionary roles as midwives of a New and Golden Age. What many are experiencing now is a crucial opportunity for a karmic release and spiritual healing of such magnitude that it catalyses an evolutionary leap, which takes them from their old story into an entirely new one. A life threatening illness or major life change or crisis drives us into the forgotten wastelands of our psychological history so we can reevaluate and truly transform our lives.
Sleep Disturbance & the Evolutionary Burn
Many of us are experiencing significant and/or established disturbances in our sleep patterns which started to become irregular around the time of 1999 leading up to 2012. This was the evolutionary period when we were undergoing the most intense wave of what people refer to as ‘ascension symptoms’ – (an entire chapter is devoted to this in Clarion Call). However, since 2012, many more people are finding sleeplessness to be a regular nighttime occurrence.
Some of the reasons for this are as follows:
We regularly ‘bi-locate/multi-locate’. This means that our consciousness can be in two (or more) places simultaneously. These can be two physical locations here on Earth, or one (or more) on Earth and one (or more) in the higher dimensions, at the same time.
We are experiencing wave upon wave of high octave, bio-energetic and metaphysical upgrades and downloads. These occur both physically and energetically and anchor and imprint at the cellular level within our physical bodies. This process facilitates psycho-spiritual and bio-energetic shifts into New Self/Higher Self awakening and consciousness.
Much of the night is spent travelling ‘out of body’ so we can connect to the beings, dimensions, people, places and countries which are set to play a significant role in our unfolding new reality.
We regularly return to the Higher Realms (Home) to absorb new directives and instructions and to experience Higher Dimensional expressions of union, communion and remembrance.
For many, the nights are even busier than the days. Is it any wonder that we are exhausted! What occurs during the night is only possible because of specific brainwave patterning, which I will share more about in my new book. Therefore, these dusk to dawn ‘activities’ have to take priority over the desired eight hours of unbroken sleep. The time of 03:00 (local time) is also significant and much of the activity that does takes place will do so before the next phase of sleep begins. Journeys ‘Home’ tend to occur after 3 am. If you are one who finds it difficult to sleep and the cause is neither physical or psychological, then it is essential to remain quiet and still to allow for ‘out of body’ processes to complete. It is a little like a computer downloading an App. Some of these require the laptop to ‘shut down’ in order for a new App to be installed before the computer can be restarted. There is also another reset taking place as our energetic body clock is resetting to Universal Time (UT). This means that wherever you are in the world 03:00 UT is significant.
The New Age of Medicine & A New Age of Regeneration
The New Story also heralds a fast approaching new era of physical healing which I term The Age of Regenerative Medicine. This is set to emerge from May 2018, when Chiron, the cosmic asteroid representing the ‘Wounded Healer’, enters Aries. This new medical era will begin to establish in 2019, when Chiron leaves Pisces permanently and stations itself in Aries for nine years. During this time, we will begin to resolve many of the ailments and conditions that are part of the old story. This Chiron influenced era will become known as an Age of Regeneration and will bring with it highly advanced approaches and solutions to dis-ease, healing and ageing. Cellular cleansing will replace the physical detoxing so many people are now engaged in, and this will facilitate our stepping out of the old story by wiping it clean from our cellular memory as we transcend it at a psycho-spiritual level. We are already seeing great advances in regenerative dentistry and medical science along with an emerging field of Metagenics, Nutrogenics, Oscillating Pulsed Electric Field (OPEF) and High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (Hifu) Technology to name just a few. Revolutionary methods such as these will begin to replace conventional treatments and pharmaceuticals for the healing of the body, emotions and mind. A whole new genre of cutting-edge curative approaches will begin to emerge from 2018 onwards and slowly filter into the wider public domain.
Food as Medicine
In my understanding, a pivotal part of evolving a New Life reality is determined by what we put in (and onto) our body. I will be exploring this in greater depth in my forthcoming book. However, given the limited space of this article, I will just share that a totally new narrative for our physical health is fundamental if we are to embody a New Self/New Story. We need to, literally, step out of and away from our old body story and the dysfunctional consumer culture story which has become intricately woven into our own.
An important part of evolving a new body story is focused on our relationship to Nature/Nurture/Nourishment, in respect of the substances that we put into and onto our bodies. Food as Medicine is a fundamental part of a spiritual practice for a Reset, and, ideally, we need to consume and apply substances that are entirely organic and natural. Yet, as a colleague recently stated, “This is problematic, since entirely natural food no longer exists. The air, the soil, and the water throughout the planet has toxins in it, not a single breath we take is “all natural and organic”, so, if avoiding that stuff is a requirement, then your idea of a ‘Reset’ is an impossibility.” I agree with his statement, given the chronic impact of soil depletion, chemtrails, ozone pollution and the myriad of mitigating circumstances which have compromised what we might ordinarily term ‘organic’. Therefore, I feel that I can only encourage individuals to eat as close to ‘Nature/Nurture/Nourishment’ as possible, and seek to consume and apply produce and products that are certified organic, for these are the least innocuous and the least harmful.
So, to summarise for now:
After a lifetime of being immersed in a consumer culture, we now need to evolve an intelligent new body (inside and out) by applying a radical new protocol which requires a total commitment to engage with food as medicine. This is a core priority. Ideally, we need to consume (and apply) only 100% organic produce, (products).
Ideally, we need to eliminate ALL processed, synthetic, manufactured, chemical, inorganic and unnatural products, produce and substances from our lives.
It is important to drink pH neutral water only.
We need to oxygenate our bodies with sufficient exercise which is best taken in a locale where the air is as pure and clean as possible, such as a coastal or country environment or, at the very least, a city park. The stale and recycled air of a gym or polluted street is far from ideal. Ozone Therapy is an alternative option for those who live in polluted towns and cities. The Lymphatic System is the only system that does not have a pump and therefore needs aerobic movement in order to keep it flowing and support it to do its job of carrying toxins etc out of the body.
Ideally, we need to consume a wide and balanced range of (ideally) fresh and unprocessed Superfoods (a list of which will be included in the new book) as part of the new protocol for nourishing the New Self.
A ratio of 85% raw and 15% heated food. The latter needs to, ideally, consist of entirely natural and organic staples such as quinoa/rice/millet/pulses/oats/some root vegetables etc
A dedicated adherence to attaining and maintaining an ideal acid-alkaline balance within the body is all important. Too much acidity or too much alkalinity creates imbalance and dis-ease and acts as a default trigger back into the old patterns of the old body story.
Understanding that food is medicine is instrumental for evolving and manifesting a New Self reality.
This list could go on and on but I must pause here! Suffice to say, the new story of the new body encourages us to consume, apply and inhale organic, unprocessed and mindfully derived nourishment from Nature. All beverages including water, herb teas, juices, etc, need to, ideally, be ph neutral. Regularly consuming inorganic or processed foods or beverages can undermine and impact our inspired efforts to unhook from our old physical, emotional and mental stories. To ensure a clean sweep and to facilitate a shift into a New Self/New Story reality, we need to totally transform our old life-denying patterns and attitudes into new and empowered life-affirming choices. Only then, can we begin to experience true inner-harmony, peace and fulfilment.
The Distortion Agenda & The Wave of Distortion – Evolution or ‘Evilution’?
Many of us are aware of the presence of a ‘dark undercurrent’ in the world which is ‘seen’ only by those with psychic vision yet felt by all who are awakened and sensitive. This inorganic energy has been present on the Earth for many thousands of years. There are several terminologies used to describe this destructive force including; “team dark” – “dark force” – “reptilian agenda” – “the dark side” – “dark army” – “archon agenda” and so on. My own term for it is ‘The Distortion Agenda/Wave of Distortion’. I have been aware of this dark, anti-humanitarian undercurrent since I was five years old when I was first subjected to a series of ‘psychic attacks’. Following this early childhood encounter, it remained on the periphery of my awareness until 2002, when I experienced two further attacks.
In 1999, the Distortion Agenda exponentially intensified its mission to infiltrate the collective, and the degree to which it has done so is now all too evident.
When I tune into the DA/WD, via the practice of remote viewing, I see wave upon wave of distorted and manipulated energy pulsing across the world. The aim of this sinister force is to prevent conscious evolution and spiritual awakening, and so block awakened humanity from fulfilling its higher purpose in service of the Collective, Nature and the Earth.
In autumn 2015, I began to ‘view’ the wave of distortion magnifying and infiltrating to alarming proportions as it swept across the globe. The DA/WD constitutes a devolved yet supremely ‘intelligent’/programmed group entity/energy which manufactures incomprehensible ‘viruses’ which penetrate the human body, emotions, mind and psyche. Here it embeds synthetic fear with the purpose of amplifying energetic chaos, discord and a separation mentalityin the wider world. The DA is focused on the anaesthetising of humanity so it can manipulate and control the physical, energetic, emotional and mental fields of those within the collective whose consciousness, at this point, is unable to recognise it as something alien to themselves. In terms of those who are consciously awake, the wave of distortion has a specific agenda to destroy all trace of visionary, altruistic and humanitarian plans to evolve, empower and enlighten the Collective.
When I tune into the DA/WD, what I hear is a sinister, lower than low, slower than slow, long wave “warp-warp” sound. These sound distortions ripple outwards as invisible, ‘under the radar’, energetically dense, low vibrating inorganic light masquerading as Pure Light. It infiltrates targeted forms and bodies, systems and structures, people and places, national and global governments/governance in order to expunge and extinguish the conscious evolutionary agenda for personal and world peace.
The Wave of Distortion penetrates the human being at the cellular level and infiltrates the DNA to instil distortion programs which manipulate and block the conscious evolution and spiritual calling of both the individual and the Collective. This is why it is critical for us to create an impenetrable unified field which is strong enough to deflect and dissolve distortion waves. It is crucial that we now open our eyes fully to recognise what is really taking place. Humanitarian ideals are being continually thwarted due to the fact that we are, literally, besieged by this Distortion Agenda. It is fixated on preventing us from unifying as a visionary Collective who constitute an evolved, empowered and enlightened force for unprecedented good and transformation on planet Earth.
We stand at a critical juncture and are faced with only two choices – evolution or evilution – evolve or descend. And so it is vital to remain hyper-vigilant to the existence of the DA and the Wave of Distortion. We must connect more fully to our superconscious mind (again, see Clarion Call and my forthcoming book for how to do so). This will guide and instruct the conscious mind to effectively block these waves from intercepting and destroying our evolutionary projects to implement the Divine Plan as a physically manifested reality on Earth.
Make no mistake, the Distortion Agenda is real and it is set on obliterating the humanity within us all. The conscious evolutionary and futurist who stand on the frontline of birthing and establishing a conscious new epoch are its greatest enemy. The Saturn-Neptune square, which I spoke of earlier, will prove to be our ace card if we are able to comprehend and appropriately respond to just what is required of us now, in the coming months and the years ahead. We need to reinforce, redesign, recreate and re-invent ourselves from our very foundations if we are to become a visionary New Self, writing an inspired New Story. We are being urged to evolve our physical bodies into ‘titanium strength containers’ (Saturn) into which the highest vision of Love and spiritual ideals (Neptune) can pour. If we stand together, strong, invincible, impenetrable, empowered, visionary, enlightened and unified in the face of ‘evilution’, we will not only be impervious to the Distortion Agenda but we will supersede it and render it ineffective.
At this point, nothing can deter us from fulfilling the higher calling to individually and collectively co-create a New Golden Age for Humanity, Nature and the Earth.
The Distortion Agenda is capable of multiplying and multi-locating at will. It is anti-sovereign and is fixated on obliterating all traces of love, light, humanity, altruism, enlightenment and unity on Earth.
It holds a set of primary objectives which include:
The infiltration of human consciousness in order to manipulate, control and make slaves of humanity.
The destruction of the Divine Blueprint within the individual, and the Divine Plan for the world, to imprint instead its own ‘dark’ agenda.
To eradicate the concept or presence of the Sovereign Self and a Sovereign Global Society, and so prevent these from actualising.
To create total chaos, powerlessness, fear, and the illusion of duality.
However, this malevolent force vastly underestimates the percentage of awakened humanity who, when united in sufficient numbers, can render it ineffective. The fortuitous but challenging meeting between Saturn and Neptune, with their evolutionary agenda, (as previously stated), signals that the time is upon us now to prepare to stand up to and stamp out ‘evilution’. Yet, it is critical for us to recognise and fully realise that we cannot do this alone. If we are to clear the DA from the world, then we must do so Together. It is essential that people join forces otherwise we may fail to fulfil our higher purpose of manifesting a New Story for Humanity.
It is almost time to take up our positions. We cannot afford to underestimate the almost indestructible force that is the Distortion Agenda or the degree to which it is embedded within the very foundations of global society. Yet, we can take heart because conscious evolution and spiritual awakening are stronger by far, and there is no greater force than a unified, empowered and enlightened humanity. It is the consciously evolved beings among the Collective who represent the microcosm and we can liken their unified influence to that of a homeopathic dose of medicine, which is potent enough to clear the DA from our world once and for all.
Armours of Light
And so, we are called upon to don our armour (Saturn) of Light, (Neptune) and rise up in unison to clear the Distortion Agenda and all malevolent forces from the Earth. The task at hand is the greatest we will have faced in any other lifetime. Never has the cry of humanity, Nature and the Earth been more urgent than it is now. Let not a single one of us believe we are without purpose, without a role to fulfil, without reason to remain here or without a higher directive to follow. We are needed – every single one of us. We all have something critical to offer and only by joining together and supporting each other in synchronised conscious effort will we realise and fulfil our particular contribution for the highest good of the greater whole. I often think of this in terms of the Resistance in World War Two, only this time we are engaged in a conscious ‘battle’ that is being played out on both the physical and the energetic levels.
Unconscious Collusion with the DA
It is paramount to recognise that the effectiveness of the DA is possible only to the extent that there is (unconscious) collusion on the part of humanity. We must acknowledge that our own inner distortion acts as a magnet for the DA. The waves of distortion within us are the result of unhealed and unintegrated psychological/historical trauma. Such inner-wounding locks us into ‘maintaining cycles’ of sabotaging behaviours that wreak havoc in our lives. We need to recognise that our own mini ‘waves of distortion’ magnetise dark and destructive energies towards us. Therefore, as part of our preparation to dissolve and clear the DA from our world, we must also dissolve and clear what remains of these from within ourselves.
New Self/New Story/New Life/New World Reality
The paradox for the individual who is awakened and integrated to a greater degree is that the DA is still able to pursue even the most evolved among us whose hearts have been healed, purified and crowned in the fires of the Evolutionary Burn. It will go to any lengths to block such individuals from fulfilling their higher purpose as it views them as its greatest ‘threat’. This is why clearing, cleansing, purifying, integrating, strengthening, empowering and evolving towards an enlightened state is an absolute priority if we are to embody a New Self/New Story/New Life/New World reality.
As a minority among the unawakened and therefore manipulated masses who are (unconsciously) colluding with (not even aware of) the propaganda of the global machine that fronts the DA, it may appear that our quest to bring the old story to an end is a hopeless one. Yet, inspiration and strength can be gained from the profound teaching of homeopathy which proposes that the tiniest dose can trigger a curative healing of the entire system. In this perilous time for humanity, it is we who are charged with driving all dark forces from our planet.
Finally, I cannot emphasise enough just how instrumental it is for us to now UNIFY and establish a New Story politic where, once and for all, the Power of Love replaces the old story rhetoric of the love of power.