We Are The Seventh Generation

For the past forty four years, humanity has been moving through a rare cosmic phenomenon known as ‘The Galactic Alignment Zone’, which occurs only once in every 26,000 years. It began in 1975 and concludes on December 21, 2021.

A thirty-six year window of time formed its epicentre. This eye of the needle phase began on the Winter Solstice of 1980 and drew to a close on December 21, 2016. Its purpose has been to catalyse an unprecedented spiritual awakening and unparalleled acceleration in the evolution of human consciousness. The lows of this rollercoaster ride have brought many of us to our knees, and yet the highs have enabled us to soar to new dimensions way beyond our comprehension prior to 1980.

We made it through the intense and all-consuming thirty-six year evolutionary rites of passage and navigated ourselves through the uncompromising energies of an accelerated global trajectory, which has now tipped us over the tipping point. This is where we are right now, here in 2020.

In my book ‘2012: A Clarion Call’, I wrote the following:

The Western astrological system speaks of the Shift Of Ages, when one great astrological age moves into another. We are currently moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.

It is believed that we are now at the completion point of a multi-million year circular orbit of our Galaxy around the Great Central Sun. (One orbit of the Galaxy takes 225-250 million years: It is estimated to have completed 20-25 orbits since it first formed). Our Galaxy moves through space in the form of a continuum of connecting circles like a great cosmic spiral. As it completes this multi-million year orbit it is connecting diagonally to the next ring in the spiral. When this happens all of the planets, solar systems, and their inhabitants, take a simultaneous initiatory leap into the next evolutionary cycle.

We are at the end of a 26,000-year cycle of the Earth, Sun and Galactic Plane – the Plane in which the majority of the mass of our disc shaped Galaxy lies. From our perspective on Earth, the December Solstice Sun moves across the Galactic Plane – an event that occurs once every 26,000 years – the result of this is the attunement of consciousness to higher frequencies.

The Winter Solstice of 1998 was the midway point of the thirty-six year Galactic Alignment Process. Because the Sun is so large (about half a degree wide), it did not complete its journey across the Galactic Equator until December 21, 2016. This process was predicted to induce extraordinary transformations in human consciousness leading up to that date, and beyond.

Each year, the December Solstice Sun aligns with the equator midline of the Milky Way. To gain a perspective on this imagine the Earth’s equator forming the division between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Astronomically, the Winter Solstice Sun has been pointing into the Southern Galactic Hemisphere for 13,000 years. As we approach perfect alignment with the Galactic Equator, a thirty-six year process will conclude – at which point the Winter Solstice Sun will have re-orientated to point to the Northern Galactic Hemisphere.

As the world teeters on the edge of catastrophe, simultaneously, another profound phenomenon is occurring: Millions of people are beginning to consciously wake up. Vast numbers within the collective have been transforming and are now prepared for what is to come, who we must be, and what we must do.

During the late 1800s, the Oglala Lakota Holy Man, Black Elk, had a vision in which all the races of the world were represented by “hoops”, and that in “Seven Generations” all “hoops” would become One.

‘The Seventh Generation’ is gathering throughout the world. We may be scattered far and wide but we are finding our way to each other now. The gathering of the clans is happening; the ‘Seventh Generation Prophecy’ is unfolding.

We need to stand strong and hold true to LOVE during these tumultuous yet extraordinarily opportunistic times.

LIFE is Calling Us to step up and step out and become visible. Martin Luther King Jr wisely stated that there comes a time when silence is a betrayal. Our voices must be heard, or else we betray not only ourselves but future generations too, and the future of the Earth.

WE HAVE made it to this point: Yet, we now face a global crisis on an unprecedented scale: WE have our work cut out.

The current global scenario may continue to spiral further out of control, but this IS part of the birthing of a new conscious epoch.

The First Nations Prophecy states that a ‘Seventh Generation’ made up of all the races and creeds would band together under the symbol of the Rainbow. After great struggle and using only the force of peace, there would finally be an end to the devastation, destruction and desecration of Mother Earth

We Are the Seventh Generation the prophecy spoke of, and we must rise, as the phoenix rises from the ashes, and guide humankind Home to the Heart of itself and into a new epoch founded upon Love, Peace, Freedom and Prosperity for All.

This is Our Moment –

We Were Born for These Times.

Namaste & LOVE,

Nicolya ♥♥

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