Love In a Cold Climate: The Ultimate Test In Unconditional Love

When we speak of unconditional love, we understand this to constitute a state of loving unconditionally, come what may. When we meditate on unconditional love, we consider the evolutionary need to transcend our emotions and thus contemplate our present capacity to be able to do so. We
recognize the need for mindfulness so as not to split off from our emotions in our quest to become a living embodiment of unconditional love – for doing so will only keep us caught in conditional love.

High Level Teachings – Unconditional Love and Integrated Neutrality

When we consciously seek to embody the very essence of unconditional love we arrive at an understanding that reveals how we must first attain a level of psychological integration, conscious evolution and spiritual awakening before we are able to centre ourselves fully in unconditional love.
Conscious evolution and spiritual awakening compels us (unconsciously) to attract intense and uncompromising life challenges that support and facilitate our psychological integration, karmic healing and, ultimately, serve our spiritual awakening.

When we consciously choose to enter a deeper exploration of the profound spiritual teaching of unconditional love, we will invite into our lives (consciously and unconsciously) the most profound, extenuating and testing of situations and circumstances. These facilitate the attainment of a level of psychological integration and spiritual awakening that prepares us for living in and as unconditional love.

That is not to say that we cannot know great happiness without having arrived at this advanced level of spiritual development, for indeed we can. However, the most boundless expression of inner peace, fulfillment, joy, bliss and harmony belongs to those who meet everything in life from a place of integrated neutrality and unconditional love.

So Far Out of Our Comfort Zones

Our evolutionary development will inevitably lead us to the more advanced levels of the teaching of unconditional love. And so it will transpire that we will be taken so far out of our comfort zones, into environments, realities and life experiences that appear to represent the polar opposite of our most cherished visionary and soulful ideals. The embodiment of inner peace, as a sustained reality, can only be achieved when we truly understand and master the core teaching of unconditional love, and when this has been fully integrated.

The Space In Between

Aligning and merging with the essence of unconditional love raises the Self to a level of consciousness where nothing can pull it off centre. We are lifted up to merge with and become One with the pure essence of unconditional love. Our conscious connection with the Divine becomes an extrasensory, extraordinary, moment-by-moment, day-by-day, living reality. The unconscious, conscious and super-conscious are aligned in perfect balance and harmony.

Whenever aspects of self (note small ‘s’ representing ego/inner wounding/un-integrated self) remain disconnected, split off, repressed or denied, one cannot be centered in a fully conscious and awakened relationship with Self, other/s, and the world.

When we radiate as a pure expression of unconditional love we recognize that unconscious and conscious ‘shadow’ material can no longer enter the psychic and energetic space between ourselves and another, and ourselves and the world. Instead, we experience clear and direct access to other and the world. Such is not dependent upon ‘other’ having attained the same level of awareness that we may have attained ourselves.

Unconditional love dissolves all that exists in the space in between another and Self. What once occupied this space (unhealed, unprocessed and un-integrated shadow aspects of self) is replaced by a clear and tangible sense of All That Is. All That Is becomes all that is present in the psychic and energetic space between ourselves and another.

This fertile and tangible space in between is a pure and true experience of heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul communion. Until one has arrived at a level of conscious evolution that facilitates the embodiment of such an elevated state, then the unintegrated human shadow will continue to fill the ‘space
between’ – the presence of which remains fundamental and instrumental to our core healing, psychological integration, karmic resolution, conscious evolution, and spiritual awakening.

The Evolutionary Shift from Compassion to Unconditional Loving Presence

In Latin, compassion means ‘to suffer with’. When we are feeling compassion we are suffering with, immersed in an alchemical process that renders us as emotional blotting paper, an energetic sponge, absorbing and processing, ebbing and flowing, healing and feeling the story of suffering that is shared by another, and mirrors our own.

Compassion affords us deep and immediate insight into ‘what the other may be feeling’. It gifts us a humbling opportunity to put ourselves in another’s situation and feel our way around their emotional landscape and, by doing so, feel around our own. Compassion facilitates a mutual exchange that serves the highest good of those bonded in it.

Such a mutual exchange fosters communion (common-union), and is a pure and true offering of heart and Soul. When united in compassion (common-passion), we literally ‘go there’ with the one who is suffering, be it human, animal, aquatic, winged, insect, plant, flower, mineral, land, ocean or sky.

Suffering produces many symptoms, the most common of which are sadness and anger – both are expressions of passion. Compassion allows us to make contact (consciously or unconsciously) with our own inner wounding, or felt-sense of what was once a resonant personal experience. It reveals and expands our capacity to express the deepest levels of love, humanity, tenderness and care. It reconnects us to humility, and anchors us in the realm of human emotion, a necessary process, yet one we shall ultimately transcend on our journey towards enlightenment.

Compassion facilitates direct access to unhealed emotions, unresolved psychological wounding, karmic history, and core trauma held within the physical, emotional and astral bodies and the psyche.

A Higher Octave – The Border to The Rainbow Bridge of Awakening

Our conscious evolutionary journey propels us towards ever ascending levels, carrying us all the way to the border of The Rainbow Bridge of Awakening where a higher level of consciousness, frequency and vibration is to be found.

This Rainbow Bridge of Awakening connects Self with Higher Self – the conscious with the super-conscious. This evolutionary juncture is a pivotal threshold for it is the place where we transcend ‘me’ (self with small ‘s’) and embody ‘I’ (Authentic and Integrated Self). Transcending the emotional self is a prerequisite for elevating us to living from its higher octave – Feeling.

Our conscious evolution propels us towards fully embodying unconditional love and integrated neutrality. Compassion is a fundamental psycho-spiritual developmental process, an instrumental evolutionary phenomenon to facilitate liberation from suffering with, as we evolve into living in love with All That Is.

The transpersonal psychotherapy ‘Psychosynthesis’ teaches a core process model – ‘identifying in order to dis-identify’. Compassion supports us to identify with suffering (another’s or our own). Unconditional love calls upon us to dis-identify from suffering and to embody unconditional love, unconditional positive regard and integrated neutrality in relation to ourselves, and when present to another.

As souls incarnate, we have lived countless lives over eons of time. Layer upon layer of trauma memories remain held or hidden deep within the psyche, cellular memory and genetic blueprint. Each incarnation affords us an opportunity to heal these layers and ultimately dissolve suffering at a core level, through psychological integration, conscious evolution and spiritual awakening.

Rise in Love, or Fall

The teaching of unconditional love at a consciously awakened level is the highest of all. Everything that exists and every word, action or deed, is an expression (and teaching) of unconditional love, even when delivered through an un-integrated, dysfunctional personality caught in reaction for it bestows upon us an opportunity to practice unconditional love.

Every dysfunctional external reaction and action we experience conveys a higher calling from Soul to Self for us to align with and embody, and respond with unconditional love. When another speaks against us or treats us with disrespect we must remain ever mindful that we have a choice – we can choose to either rise in love, or fall – in counter-reaction and the resultant conflict.

Choosing to rise in love does not for a moment suggest we must remain in any situation which may cause suffering to us. On the contrary, in such circumstances we would be wise to seek to establish and maintain a physical, emotional, mental, psychic and energetic distance between the other and ourselves.

Unconditional love seeks not to support suffering, yet instead invites us to understand and meet the needs of another, whilst, at the same time, understanding and meeting our own.

Who Am I to Who I AM

Individuals working at this level of Self-Realization will experience an overwhelming evolutionary compulsion (conscious or unconscious) to manifest ultimate tests, presenting as the seeming antithesis of unconditional love!

Unprecedented challenging circumstances will crash into their lives like an evolutionary tsunami. Those who choose to stand, unwaveringly, in the centre of the initiatory fire of unconditional love, will undergo an unprecedented shift into Who I AM consciousness and awareness.

And so it is that the spiritual teaching of unconditional love will bombard us with the most extenuating trials, ordeals and circumstances, the very moment Self recognizes it is ready for this high-level initiation.

The Penultimate Level of Self-Realization

The high level teachings of unconditional love are not, by any means, light and fluffy. They call upon us to rise in love in the most challenging of situations, to integrate and embrace the very essence of what unconditional love is, and to become elevated and uplifted by the consuming darkness that can present to the one who steps forth to embrace this ultimate initiation. It invites us to BE unconditional love, most especially when immersed in intensely challenging circumstances.

Unquestionably, this level of initiation, this ultimate rite of passage, this new dawn breaking out of the dark night of the soul will throw our lives into chaos, and turn our world upside down until we are spinning from the unplanned for, the unexpected, the uninvited and the seemingly ‘negative’
circumstances assailing us from all directions. Only when immersed in such trials and tribulations can we face the ultimate test that precedes an evolutionary leap in Selfrealization and Self-actualization.

How simple is the concept of unconditional love when practiced in ideal circumstances? However, committing to Selfintegration and Self-mastery, so as to be able to fully embody unconditional love as our day-to-day reality, brings an unprecedented intensifying of uncertainty into our lives. It
exposes us to an externally generated set of experiences/tests that include the irrational and contrary, the unfathomable and perplexing, and invites reaction, projection and accusation through the medium of others, to test if we shall rise in unconditional love, or fall victim to our un-integrated emotions.

If you are one who feels centered in love, connectedness, goodness, truth, harmony, integrity, open heartedness, gentleness, selflessness, loving kindness, humility, tenderness, are deeply grounded, consciously awakened and psychospiritually mature and integrated and yet your life continues to feel outside of your control, seemingly dominated by one relentless challenge after another, think twice as to just why this might be before arriving at a conclusion that suggests that the reason for this is a result of your psycho-spiritual healing process (and this may well be the case). Instead, consider that you just might be in the midst of a profound initiation preparing you to take an unprecedented leap in your own conscious

An Evolutionary Leap into Unconditional Love

Unconditional love elevates us to such a level of awareness that the one who lives, sleeps and breathes it discovers they can step into any situation, without reaction, attachment, personal agenda, condition, or any (conscious or unconscious) ‘driver’ to manipulate a desired outcome.

This high teaching requires us to let go completely into the moment, the unknown, to trust, and to be anchored in unconditional positive regard and unconditional love towards all – all of the time – irrespective of whether we are enraptured in sublime bliss or in the midst of chaos and turmoil. It invites us to relinquish the more subtle levels of attachment, and any need for physical evidence of the spiritual as a condition for embracing unconditional love.

Through the teaching of unconditional love, we encounter our innate and infinite capacity as pure love. Those who walk this path are Beacons of Light, even in the darkest of times and conditions.

The Diamond Path to Enlightenment

Cultivating unconditional love as a core spiritual practice catalyzes an uncompromising and radical evolutionary push to our psychological edges. We are exposed to residual elements of our own hidden agendas, motivations, ulterior motives and strategies, conditions, attachments, unspoken
needs and expectations, intricate and complex defense mechanisms, and unconscious patterns that can only be dissolved in pure love.

Only when we have healed our historical wounds (including karmic), and integrated our psychological shadow, can we fully embody living unconditional love, at every level of our being. Only then are we able to experience and express the full spectrum of our humanity. Only then can we shine fully in our true identity as Divine Love incarnate. Only then do we step upon the Diamond Path to Enlightenment.

The Diamond Path to Enlightenment is a transcendental path we step onto when we have fully understood the meaning and purpose of true compassion (to suffer with), and how to transcend it to its higher octave – pure unconditional love.

Expressing unconditional love towards Self is equally as important as expressing it to another. If an act we believe to be one of pure love causes even the subtlest of discomfort within us, then it is not unconditional love. In its pure essence, unconditional love infuses us with a deeply felt sense of peace, fulfillment, and radiant wellbeing. Ultimately, it is unconditional love that will lift humanity out of suffering, and catalyze an accelerated and unprecedented evolution of personal and global consciousness.

Unconditional love is multi-layered from its outer levels to its inner core. Its core essence transmits a necessity for transcendence from compassion (suffering with) into fully embodied unconditional love and integrated neutrality.

Teetering on the Edge

So, if it feels as if life is throwing you a seemingly unending round of challenges and yet you continue to fly onwards and upwards into higher and higher levels of consciousness, frequency and vibration, if you continue to act only from purest intent, and if you have cultivated an unwavering capacity for unconditional presence in absolute neutrality, in any situation, then your connection to Higher Self, Soul and Spirit will strengthen and expand to unquantifiable levels.

Even though you may feel exhausted by the intensity of those life circumstances that assail you, at this pivotal juncture on your journey of enlightenment, understand that you may be teetering on the edge of merging with, and living, the very heart of pure unconditional love.

Know this – there is no lotus flower without the mud from which it grows. If you are as the lotus flower rising out of the mud, if you are a beacon of Light even in the midst of darkness, if you are able to remain centered in love, no matter what, then know that something profound is unfolding, something so extraordinary that when you emerge from the other side of this transformational process you will never again be the same.

In transcending the level of consciousness that is preoccupied with the existential question of who am I to becoming anchored and centered in Who I AM, you will have truly liberated and lifted your Self into a whole new spiritual reality.

I conclude this sharing with this quote from the great Light Being, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov:

“In certain people’s presence, when you see the expression on their face, how they look at you, and feel everything they radiate, the word that immediately springs to mind is ‘Light’. As if they were able to distil an imponderable substance in their heart and soul and then project it out in the form of Light. Or as if they had captured something of the Light diffused in space and had condensed it within them. Their whole body seems made of a translucent substance within which a flame is burning. For many this Light remains a great mystery, because they do not know it is the result of very real processes in the inner life: the Sage, the Initiate, has acquired it through constant work. From each thought, wish, feeling and action that they manage to make more disinterested, generous and purer, they extract an infinitesimal amount of Light. It is said in the Sacred Books that the human soul has the power to move the Heavens. Yes, the soul can shake the Heavens, but only through its desire to obtain Light. If it insists, God, who is Light, cannot refuse to give it.”

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